Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh, hell, it's on! I really want to see Wanted, but Wall-E has had my heart for a very long time. I'll probably go see both since the weather is sucky as all hell here in Florida.

And B, I'm thinking it's going to rain at least 47 times during this whole weekend. It's insanity, I tell you.


  1. amanda said...
    I feel quite lame for
    the fact that I haven't
    heard of any of these...except
    for Wanted. And I'm a big
    celeb/movie whore. Craziness.

    Howeverrr. I want to
    see Finding Amanda...simply
    because it has my name
    in it. And hopefully it
    won't rain for you.
    Wishful thinking, baby!
    Da Fashionista said...
    wanted tonight, wall e on sunday.

    stay dry, kiss!
    B said...
    Ohmigoodness, I really wish I could say that you are being hella dramatic, but no....47 times sounds accurate. LOL!

    I'm def going to go see Wanted. I had plans to go tonight but there was a fucking tsunami over here around Oveido/UCF area where my friend lives. Booooo.
    WAT said...
    Debating between Wall E and Wanted.
    BeautyTalk said...
    Twinkle Twinkle said...
    I'm seeing nothing. I am too cheap to go to the movies. That's what Netflix is for. I rather spend my savings on makeup.

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