Friday, April 18, 2008

Orlando Bloom was caught filming a scene for his new movie, New York, I Love You. It's kind of a sequel to Paris, je t'aime, which is the best movie ever. My got me in to the NYC premiere and he better deliver on this one, even though I don't think he's working on it. Ooh, nevermind. NatNat Portman is producing/starring in this one too and y'all know how I feel about her.

I'm guessing Orlando plays a homeless guy in the movie. I've seen hot homeless guys in NYC before, but they're usually meth-heads who'll go gay for pay. Only on the receiving end, though.

Here's more of the gorgeous Orlando on-set. Sigh. He's so pretty. We'd have beautiful curly-haired children.

1 Comment:

  1. megabrooke said...
    ooohhhh, good HOH on him!

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