Thursday, November 8, 2007

According to Kevin Federline's lawyers, Britney has missed 8 out of the 14 required drug requests. The reason? Britney's lawyer Ann Kline states that Britney changes her number on a frequent basis because it gets leaked. She then said it was unconstitutional for Britney to have to be drug tested the way that's being requested because she's come back negative ten different times.

But that wasn't a good enough excuse for Commissioner Gordan, who didn't think it was an "extreme request" for Britney to respond to a morning drug test. Lucky for Britney, this was Ann Kline's excuse:

"But you're not a pop star with a No. 1 album to promote."

First of all, Brit doesn't have the #1 album. Second of all, what promotion has she done? Shopping for cars, albeit entertaining, is not promoting an album! If she means that mess of an interview she gave with Ryan Seacrest, that was in the morning too, so try another excuse.


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