Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yet, says I

David Beckham has come out to say that Tom Cruise hasn't tried to convert him into Scientology. I think one (or all) of these three things has occurred:

1) David's lying.
2) Tom's trying to get the sweet love from him first.
3) David can't figure out what the hell Tom's talking about.

David spoke to Arena magazine and had this to say about TomKat:

"We respect their religion. We respect everything they do and believe in," he told Arena.

"But they have never turned around to us and said, 'You have to be a part of this', because that's not what they're about. It's never been about that.

"There's been nothing shoved down our throats because friends don't do things like that."

I'm thinking David doesn't know what the hell Tom is talking about. I don't blame him. I consider myself to be a slightly intelligent person and I don't even know what the hell Tom is talking about half the time.



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