Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What The Eff Ever

The Sun claims that Angelina Jolie is pregnant. It's either breaking up for Brangelina or another kid for Brangelina. I'm bored with these two. When is someone going to cheat on the other, already?

Angie was supposed to speak in Italy at the UNlinked Pio Manzu Centre, about global topics. Well, she's canceled, and the supposed director of the event is yapping.

“Angelina cancelled last week. Due to her privacy I can’t confirm her pregnancy, but I can say that the Italian newspapers are correct in their reports.”

I call bullshit. She's way too skinny to be that far along and wouldn't face the risk of flying. I mean, she flew the plane herself all the way up to her seventh or eighth month with Shiloh.



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