Monday, June 16, 2008

J.K. Rowling will be writing a short story on Harry Potter that will be turned into a film for the Harry Potter theme park in Universal Studios Orlando. AAAAAAAH! Thank god I have the annual pass. I get them every year for all the parks because that's what the family does when they come down here. And it's fun for a boring weekend.

The park is supposed to open next year or early 2010. Ok, so I might not be living in Orlando then, but still. I'm going to be there opening day.



  1. B said...
    You get annual passes? I'm hatin' like a bih mannnn. I've only been livin' in the O for almost 3 months and feel like I need annual passes for all these damn theme parks.
    Sidney F said...
    Thaank you for this

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