Thursday, February 7, 2008

Excuse Her Beauty

Jennifer Lopez, who originally said she was going to go into hiding or stay out of the spotlight after "announcing" her pregnancy a couple months ago, is totally reneging on her promise. Bitch has been out and about a lot. I'm actually surprised, because she seems like the type that wouldn't want anybody to see her resemble a baby whale (don't hate me because I made a pregnancy/fat joke. I had to), but she came out last night to support the A Night to Benefit Raising Malawi and UNICEF, which was hosted by Madonna.

I love the fact that she got so huge. It's payback from the Gods for being such an uppity bitch.


  1. Julie Q said...
    she looks like TYRA in the first pic!
    Anonymous said...
    Her arms are killing me! They look like those fat turkey legs you get at Disney! When its my turn to get prego I am so doing floaty sleeves.

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