Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bravo's hit show, The Real Housewives From Orange County is going to be getting a spin-off series in NYC. The show will be based on Real NYC socialites who juggle family and being rich bitches.

I actually can't wait for this movie. The NYC socialite is one of the most fascinating characters to me, probably because a lot of my friends are old money like that so it's rather hilarious to hang out with their families. My mom loves that show and asked me who would win in a fight, the Orange County housewives or the Manhattan socialites. I told her it was no contest. The New York bitches would beat the OC hoes down.



  1. Anonymous said...
    I am not watching it. Bravo contacted me and I told them I am too fab to do a silly reality show about being a housewife in NYC and plus I am in London so they would have to introduce me in Season 2. Just joking...hehe...

    Seriously, OC got nothing on NYC. NYC housewives can throw down the guantlet and keep their husbands in check.
    molly said...
    oh my god!!
    in the first picture, i was like "what is this, a spice girls parody group?"

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