Thursday, January 17, 2008


So I haven't posted anything all day because I've been busy working on a new layout for the site. I wanted to do something cuter and simpler which actually wasn't all that simple because my brain is in two places right now but that's besides the point.

I didn't realise that you could purchase your domain name through blogger now, (thanks to Julie Q) so when I went to purchase LipstickBitches, it was already taken. Bastards. Thieving bastards. I checked a couple of weeks ago and it was available and was going to do it then but completely forgot because I couldn't find my cc in the stack of crap that was in my purse.

Anyway, now I have to decide on another name for the site/blog, since my first couple of pics (lipstickbitches, lipstickchicks) were already taken (again, bastards). Any suggestions would be v. much appreciated.

So this brings me to the point of this post (finally, god I can talk/type). What do you guys think of the new look? I was tinkering around with some things and it kept throwing off the spacing so if something comes out funky, please please please let me know. And let me know what you think as well.

Love you, bitches!!!



  1. boygeorgeismymom said...
    I think the new layout is super cute!
    Katelin said...
    I'm a fan and I love the pic you used, haha. Gotta love Ty Ty.

    As for a domain name...ummm

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