Thursday, January 10, 2008


I'm all for animals, I love my pets, I don't wear fur, I donate to the ASPCA, but I will never like PETA. I think that organization is ridiculous and full of hypocrisy. Fur loving Kimora Lee Simmons is now the face of their new Be An Angel campaign, where she urges people to care for their dogs.

"You cannot just chain up an animal. The chains are heavy, it's cruel," she says. "Dogs need to run and play," she adds. That's why Kimora has teamed up with PETA urging dog guardians to "play with them, take them for long walks, don't ever chain or cage them."

It's sad to think that people don't know the basics in caring for an animal, watching fifteen minutes of Animal Cops you'll know how stupid/cruel people can be, but Kimora shouldn't be any kind of spokesperson for PETA. How about the many horses who've had their tails chopped off for use for her many wigs and weaves over the years. She didn't always have the cash to splurge for human hair, ya know.



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