Friday, January 11, 2008

According to TMZ, both Christina Aguielra and Nicole Richie are at the hospital and waiting to give birth. The singer and the socialite are both expecting boys and are both said to be at Cedars Sinai hospital in L.A. right now.

It would be really cute of the two of them gave birth together, in the same room, kind of like Joan Cusack and Julianne Moore in Nine Months. But you know both of those girls (more X-Tina than Nicole) have a full on squad to help them go through labor. Hell, Christina needs three or four people to help her wipe the sweat off of her face while re-applying the caked on make-up she never takes off.

P.S. - My neighbor is currently (for the 100th day in a row) playing that "No One" song by Alicia Keys. Someone, please let me borrow a gun. I swear I'll give it back.

ETA: Molly brings up a good point, who do you think will have the "weirder" baby name?



  1. molly said...
    oh god, i smell a bitchfight over baby names tomorrow morning
    Katelin said...
    Haha, um. I vote Nicole has the weirder name.
    boygeorgeismymom said...
    Nicole named her child Harlow Winter Kate Madden(a girl) I actually think it is cute
    molly said...
    i think nicoles will be weirder
    i predict christina will go with a "classic" name like james or something
    Julie Q said...
    I love love love Nicole's name for her baby. So my guess is Xtina will top it with a weird one..

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