Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Giada De Laurentiis announced Monday morning on the Today Show that she was a little over four months pregnant. Congrats!

I used to find her super annoying on the Food Network, but that annoyance switched over to Rachael Ray and now I love Giada. She's so freaking adorable. Rachael and her husband freak me out a bit, I don't know why.

Giada, 37, is expecting her first child, a baby girl in the first week of April. She and her husband, designer for Anthropologie Todd Thompson, have been together since 1991 and got married in 2003. She's already had a couple of sonograms but admits that she can now see little body parts and gets emotional.

“When I had my first one, it looked like a little lima bean,” she said. “The second, I think looked a little bit like a lemon. But today — fingers and toes; I saw ears and lips. It brings tears to your eyes."

Awe, that almost makes me want a little bambino of my own. Almost.

Congrats to Giada and hubby!



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