Monday, October 1, 2007

You lose custody of your children to Kevin Federline.

Britney Spears has temporarily lost custody of her two sons, Sean Prestin and Jayden James after Kevin Federline's lawyers went in front of the judge because Britney was driving around California with her kids in the back. Problem with that is that Brit-tit doesn't have a California driver's license.

Side note: I was totally at the DMV all afternoon trying to renew mine. I watched Reaper last week where they said that the DMV was a portal to hell. Yeah, right on the money there.

Anyway, the judge awarded KFed temporary custody until further notice starting today at noon.

I used to feel bad for Britney because she's a mom and I'm sure on some level she loves her kids. But her behavior is insane.

How, knowing you don't have a driver's license, knowing that your every move is pretty much documented by the paparazzi, knowing that you're in danger of getting your children taken away, haven't gotten your license and done anything to try and improve your behavior.

I know people say she's crazy, but how crazy can you be not to realize that you're on a complete downward spiral? She's like Christy from Intervention (click play below; best episode EVER!)



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