Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quote Of The Day:

"She Needs Mental Help" Kelly Machado tells Us Weekly about Britney Spears.

Read more about what Kelly says, after the jump!


Kelly goes on to tell Us that she wanted Kevin back so badly and was with the kids when they broke it off.

"She wanted so badly to have the father of her babies. When Britney thought about Kevin not wanting her, she would bawl," Machado tells Us. "She would look at Sean and Jayden and say, 'Where's your daddy? I need help. Where's your daddy?'"
She then says that Britney hung her wedding dress on the wall after Kevin and her split. Hung her wedding dress on the wall? Is she serious? What the fuck kind of drugs was she on? More importantly, what kind of drugs does she need to be on?


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