Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Jack Mackenroth, a contestant on the upcoming fourth season of Project Runway, says he wasn't eliminated in the fifth episode because of his skills, but because he had a staff infection caused by his HIV.

According to a source who spoke with him, "He is saying he got kicked off not because he lost a challenge, but because he got a 'staph' infection and said his face blew up like the kid from 'Mask.'"
Staphylococcal skin infections can be especially serious for HIV-positive people. Some are also potentially infectious to others.

"He says he was the fifth designer voted off," says the snitch. "He is claiming that this was at least part of the reason he was booted."

Jack denies he ever said this but time will tell if this could be true or if Project Runway is pulling an Eva. Season 4 premieres November 14 at 10:00 p.m. on Bravo.



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