Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Brit-tit doesn't appreciate Chris Crocker and thinks his videos are insulting. A source tells Us Weekly that

"Britney does not think Chris Crocker is funny. She thinks he's creepy and that all his videos are an obvious attempt at fame. She finds it insulting and difficult to watch."

I think this is fake. I mean, does Britney have that much sense to realize that his videos are a shot at fame? How in the hell did she figure that out all by her lonesome? I mean, sure it's obvious to everybody else but this is Brit-tit we're talking about.

Chris still actually supports Britney, even though she's now lost custody of her children.

“My mom lost custody of me when she was younger and she got it back. She can always get it together again. She's not herself right now. It's a transitional time in her life. She's got time to change and she will."

Ugh, are his fifteen minutes over already? He's only funny when Seth Green is making fun of him.



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