Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fucking Hell

I was totally waiting for Brit-tit's mugshot to make my Britney post for the day but according to the po-po in Cali, they're not going to release it. I passed out fell asleep at around four this morning waiting to find it online, but noooo. Damn the man! Fight the power! Fuck the police! I dreamt about that picture. Oh god, how I wish it was released.

Instead, I give you a photoshopped version of what it probably looked like:

Why does it glow? Because it's Britney, bitch.

In case you haven't already heard, Brit-tit turned herself into the police last night to be booked on charges for that hit and run accident she had earlier this year. She wasn't even put in a holding cell, she just checked in and out and was there for a total of 45 minutes. Seriously.

Sigh. How disapointing today has turned out.

Source via ONTD


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