Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bitch Aint Worth It

Jennifer Lopez might want to go shopping for a new label, says MSNBC. According to sources at Epic Records and Sony/BMG say that she costs too much and doesn't produce nearly enough. Her last album opened with a measly 53,000 copies and Epic has had enough.

“Her last album cover alone cost $60,000 in hair and makeup, lighting, photographers, re-touching, etc. The video budget was in the neighborhood of $300,000.”

I believe it. Photoshop is that woman's best friend. They also claim that they've had to foot the bill for Jello promoting her album, paying $8,000 a day for a makeup artist. They even paid for her appearance on Good Morning America, a couple of weeks ago.

“Epic had to eat the cost for that entire performance. From her makeup — which typically costs in the neighborhood of $8,000 per day — to the backup singers, to the rigging, lighting and sound,” says a source close to the Lopez camp. “The woman requires everything short of flying monkeys to get on a stage.”

Why don't they just drop her ass? I mean, she can't sing. She can't dance now that she's pregnant, and she's actually costing the label money at the end of the day. Ugh, I can't wait until her concert here in Orlando. Not because I have plans to go, but because I don't have to see her ugly ass face along with Skeletore on the billboard on I-4 everyday.


1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Goddamn I hope she fucking chokes and burns

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