Saturday, September 22, 2007

Don't Cry, Brit-tit!

It's been a rough week for Britney Spears. First she almost loses custody of her two sons. She also isn't allowed to drink or do drugs anymore. The drug stressed that she has a problem and she will now be drug tested twice a week to make sure she stays sober.

But it just got worse for her.

Early Friday citations were issued to Britney for a hit and run accident that she caused which was caught on camera. Britney, while trying to get out of a parking spce, hit a parked car and didn't leave a note for the owner. The owner contacted the L.A.P.D. and now Brit-tit's in real trouble, since she apparently didn't even have a license.

Britney could spend up to six months in jail. She won't, of course, but still, it's a possibility. Hopefully she gets that hot slut of a judge from Paris's case and not the ones who presided over Nicole and Lindsay's cases.

Now, according to sources, Britney's going to go back to rehab. Publicity stunt! I'm sorry, but she needs a good kick in the ass. Obviously the very real possibility of having her children taken away from her isn't straightening her out then maybe jail would be good for her.

But if she heads to rehab, there won't be jail time for her, trust. Judges love that shit. If she does go to rehab, hopefully she takes this stint seriously and realizes that it's a good thing for her to go.


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